Kentucky Rural Letter ​​​Carriers' Association

Kentucky Rural Letter ​​​Carriers' Association
Organized November 24, 1904
National Charter 36

The official website of the
Kentucky Rural Letter Carriers' Association
KYRLCA 2024-2025 Board 6-9-24
2024 1st Timers with NRLCA VP Pitts



EMA to Decrease to 95.0 Cents Per Mile Effective
December 28, 2024
On December 11, 2024, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the November Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) which established the Private Transportation Index at 270.140, a decrease from the August 2024 Index of 276.426. Therefore, based on the November 2024 CPI-W release, the Equipment Maintenance Allowance (EMA) for rural carriers will decrease 2.0¢ to 95.0¢ per mile. This EMA rate will be effective December 28, 2024 (Pay Period 02-2025).
Rural Carriers
In accordance with the provisions of Article 9, Section 2.G.3 of the USPS/NRLCA National Agreement, effective December 28 (Pay Period 02-2025), the Equipment Maintenance Allowance (EMA) will decrease to 95.0¢ per mile, or a minimum of $38.00 per day, whichever is greater.
Auxiliary Rural Carriers, Rural Carrier Reliefs, Rural Carrier Associates, Rural Carrier Part Time Flexibles, and Auxiliary Assistance
Employees providing auxiliary assistance or serving auxiliary routes under the provisions of Article 9, Section 2.G.5, will receive EMA of 95.0¢ per mile or $10.10 per hour, whichever is greater. This EMA should not exceed the amount provided in the special EMA chart for route stops and miles.
This was the eleventh opportunity for an EMA adjustment under the terms of the 2021-2024 USPS/NRLCA National Agreement. The next quarterly adjustment will occur after the release of the February 2025 Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) and will be effective the second full pay period after release of that index.
The full EMA schedules will be posted on the Rural Carrier EMA Rate Schedule page when available.

2025 KYRLCA State Convention

June 6-8, 2025

Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport 

1717 Airport Exchange Boulevard
Erlanger, KY 41018


Ask for Kentucky Rural Letter Cariers' rate.
Reservations must be made before 5/22/2025.
Room rate will be the Government Rate at time of convention.
You can book on your own with the Group Code: KYR
or use the button below.

Other Area Conference Information for those that might be interested.

Eastern States Conference
March 14-16, 2025

Ocean City, Maryland

The Eastern States Conference will be held Friday March 14, 2025-Sunday March 16, 2025, at The Carousel Oceanfront Resort, 11700 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD.
The Room rate will be $110 a night for double occupancy plus taxes. Maximum occupancy for each room is 4 people. The rate includes complimentary parking and wi-fi.

Western States Conference
April 16-18, 2025

Best Western Premier Great Northern Hotel
835 Great Northern Boulevard, Helena, MT 59601-3315
1(800) 780-7234 * (406) 457-5500
Courtesy 24-Hour Shuttle * Free Parking $175/night + tax for Single or Double Cancellations must be 24 hours in advance Group rate offer ends 3/17/2025 at 5pm MDT
Letter of Understanding Signed on PARS Label Time

The National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association and the United States Postal Service entered into a Letter of Understanding that will credit PARS Label time for each route utilizing the previous 52 weeks of data.
This technological advancement will eliminate the need to collect this data during the Mini Mail Survey and is consistent with the final determination of the panel to include as many elements of RRECS as possible using the previous 52 weeks of data.
With the next evaluation, each carrier will be able to validate the accuracy by comparing data on the PS Form 4241-M, which provides the daily average of PARS label credit for each route, to the actual number of PARS labels received during the previous 52 weeks.

The Oak Leaf Committee will accept nominations for the​​
Oak Leaf Award until April 15, 2025.

Please send nominations by email to Frankie Hunt.
His email address is:

The Oak Leaf Committee  consists of Frankie Hunt, Cathy Grimes and Stephanie Endicott.

To become a member of The Oak Leaf Society a member is not required to hold a specific office but show a dedication to the Kentucky Rural Letter Carriers' Association.

They should have worked in the Association to strengthen it, to promote fellowship and to have  shown the Association in good light to a higher degree than would ordinarily be expected.

Would you like to be a Delegate to the National Convention??

National Delegate Nominating Ballots can be found in the NRLCA newsletter November/December 2024 issue.
In accordance with section 2 of article VI, you may nominate yourself or someone else from the organized state association in which your membership is affiliated.

The deadline for nominations to be received is April 17th, 2025. Fill out and sign the ballot and mail it to:

Kentucky RLCA
PO Box 241
Corinth, KY 41010-0241

If you're not a member but would like to get involved? One way to join is to attend your Districts' Annual Meeting (information is on this website for date/time/location your district would be in accordance with the county of the post office you belong to) and join up. To make your voice heard the first step is to be a member.

Post Master General Louis DeJoy 
has asked the Board of Governers to begin the search for his replacement.